Friday, June 8, 2007

Pentecost Sunday

Two weeks ago was Pentecost Sunday, and we really enjoyed the way that Knox Presbyterian Church (where we attend in Pasadena) celebrated, so I thought I would share a few pictures.

The sanctuary had balloons on both ends of the pews, which gave the place a very festive feel. In the service, they had several people who were fluent in different languages quote John 3:16. The languages were very diverse: dutch, chinese, kinyarwanda, spanish, arabic, and English! The person speaking in the picture below is our friend Augustine from Rwanda:

And, as a souvenir, everyone got to take home a red balloon, which the kids especially enjoyed. :)
Neither Bob nor I grew up in churches that celebrated Pentecost, so we are grateful to participate in a church that follows the church calendar, so that we get a chance to focus on significant events like the filling of the Holy Spirit in the early Christians. Did you get to celebrate?

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Oooh Ooooh! Yes, we had red balloon on the aisles too!