Friday, April 10, 2015

Youth Alive! (Congo)

There are few people in all of Kasai who encourage us more than Frere (brother) Victor Muine.  Victor is a leader in the youth movement of the Congolese Presbyterian Community (CPC).  Earlier this year he mobilized about twenty youth in Kananga, including six seminary students, to go to the rural presbytery of Muanza-Ngoma to host a two day seminar to strengthen the youth in that region.  The goal of the seminar was to help youth understand their role in the church.  They encouraged their compatriots to know God’s Word and to share their faith with others, and to do so with humility and respect. Victor Muine and his companions walked for six and a half hours to arrive at their destination.  They were warmly received by 245 youth of the presbytery, all of whom slept on mats in the modest church building.  For food, the youth from Kananga brought fish, tomato/onions, and corn flour.  The youth from the villages provided charcoal (for cooking), manioc flour, and manioc greens.  Three adult leaders were also in attendance to encourage the youth.  They encouraged the assembly, expressed value to them by being with them, and appreciated their zeal for serving God.

Youth relaxing after serviceFrere Victor Muine (second from left) sits with and encourages the youth
of Bunkonde Parish (Muanza-Ngoma)  

Victor sang three solos at Bunkonde parish emphasizing our need for unity
and for leaders to serve with reverence, humility and love
(song is a powerful medium in Congo!)

Victor Muine shared with me that other presbyteries are seeking their presence as well.  Many of these presbyteries are very far and would require a day two to arrive by foot.  Just two days ago Victor shared with me that he and two others were able to visit the presbytery of Lulua.  They left at 6am and arrived at 7pm, a thirteen hour walking journey.  They spent two weeks in this rural region and were able to visit all eleven churches. 

Please pray for Frere Victor Muine as he and others seek to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and encourage other youth to do the same.  Pray also that God would show Kristi and I how we can come alongside Victor and the youth of Congo.  They are not only tomorrow’s leaders, but also the leaders of today.  May God bless Victor and the youth of Congo for all of their efforts.

Bob with Victor (to my right) and other youth leaders,
gathered from the West Kasai Synod

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