Friday, June 21, 2024

Video of Visit to Nasir

Bob made a much-anticipated visit to Nasir in May together with some colleagues and visited some of the surrounding villages. We put together a short collage of videos and photos from the trip to show some of the highlights. 

Here is a summary of the timeline:

Thursday, May 16: Arrive in Nasir after 3-day flight delay. Unity celebration with churches working together to build a new church building in Nassir.

Friday, May 17: Begin long walk to Keirwan in the evening, camp in a village along the way

Saturday, May 18: Start walking at 4am to reach Keirwan at 6am. Bob was traveling with Rev. Paul Ruot, who served this rural congregation nearly 40 year ago, so it was a joyful reception!

Sunday, May 19: Sunday worship in Keirwan, including celebration and inauguration of the new church building. Start walking back to Nassir in the evening, camping along the way.

Monday, May 20: Complete the walk to Nasir in the morning, visit of historical places in Nasir

Tuesday, May 21: Visit to Kedbek, nearby village, to meet with people who knew Rev. Moses Kuac, the first Nuer pastor. In the evening, take a boat to Mandeng.

Wednesday, May 22: Visit to Presbytery meeting in Mandeng.

Thursday, May 23: Flight to Juba is delayed because of rain.

Friday, May 24: Visit people in Mandeng while waiting for flight on Saturday.

Saturday, May 25: Helicopter arrives and return to Juba. 

Bob described some of the highlights of this visit in our most recent newsletter. It was a meaningful time of connecting with people and learning more about how God is at work there and learning about the history of the church in that region. He was struggling with giardia most of the trip, but somehow managed the long walks by God's grace and was grateful for the generous hospitality and support of people there to help him through.

1 comment:

Rob & Gloria Kelley said...

Thanks so much for sharing all the video. It provided wonderful insights into how people celebrate, worship, and walk great distances as they learn about and worship God. We're praying for Bob's return to full health. You are both doing so much every day to share God's word and train others to lead and spread the Gospel.
