Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Testimonies of transformation

Whew! May was a very busy month, conducting two Healing Hearts Transforming Nations (HHTN) workshops in Juba along with a training of facilitators. But in the midst of the long days and exhaustion, I was so grateful for the gift of working with a talented and passionate group of people among our facilitators and trainers. And above all, I was grateful for the privilege of seeing people experience healing, revelation, and forgiveness. Only the Holy Spirit can do that work, and it is humbling that we get to be part of "setting the stage" for people to experience a fresh encounter with God.

An international organization included HHTN as one of the components of a multi-faceted peacebuilding approach in three counties of South Sudan and they asked us to train some of their staff to facilitate the HHTN workshop. Their staff are already well-trained and experienced, so we wondered how well they would ‘engage themselves’ in the workshop. It was encouraging to hear them reflect afterwards “We are helping people in the communities to find healing, but we did not realize that we also need healing ourselves.” Another one also said “On the first day I was skeptical of this workshop, wondering if it would make any difference. But then I realized the truth that this is what we need.”

An illustration of salt dissolving in water as we
discuss what it means to be the "salt of the earth"

One group prepares their lessons to teach.

As part of the training of facilitators, we organize ‘practicum workshops’, where the new facilitators can put into practice what they have learned and be able to teach and facilitate with their coaches giving feedback afterwards. Two local SSPEC churches who had been requesting the HHTN workshop hosted these practicum workshops. In each location, the number of people who came grew each day as people heard about the meaningful teaching and how God was working. Many of the people who attended have come from Sudan in the last year due to the war there, and this was a good opportunity for them to be able to process some of that trauma and find healing.

A ministry time in one of the practicum workshops -
praying and showing love to people as they face
wounds or a lack of love from their families.

Giving over pain to Jesus during
one of the practicum workshops

I was humbled and amazed by the diversity of testimonies we heard from participants in those workshops. We praise God for bringing healing and reconciliation in a variety of ways, and hope that you will join us in praising God for the ways that He showed love to people and brought transformation this week. Here are a few of the ways that God worked:
  • A man shared that he had not spoken to his brother for more than 30 years because of conflict between them. The man said “my brother did not have much problem with me. It was I who was filled with anger and hatred towards him and refused to meet him. But now God has healed me from my pain and I want to reconcile with my brother.”
  • A man who had not been able to sleep said he finally slept and felt peace after the cross workshop
  • A mother went home and told her children that she loved them. They asked “What happened to you? You have not talked to us like this before. Somethings has changed in you.” She also told her husband that she loved him. He asked “Where is this change coming from? If it is coming from the church, we should all be going to church.”
  • An older woman called her pastor and said “I have been going to the church all these years, but now I realize that I was not really a Christian. But through the teachings this week Jesus has really entered my life and I feel like a new person.”
  • A man confessed that he was one of the militia who killed people in Unity State in 2013. They were trained and taught to kill every person they found except for those who were inside the church. He killed people inside of a mosque and in some government buildings. He felt terrible about it now, and was asking for forgiveness.

"All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their tresspasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us."
2 Corinthians 5:18-19

1 comment:

Rob Kelley said...

What a powerful witness you are both sharing. It was inspiring to read of the workshop comments, and how much attendees valued your leadership. I was particularly moved by the comments noting that in addition to being trained to help others, attendees received the blessing of personally growing because of these workshops. We are so thankful and grateful for your dedication as you spread the word even in the face of many uncertainties.
