Saturday, November 6, 2021

Resilience amid Suffering*

Recently, on a Friday afternoon I went to see the Academic Dean at Nile Theological College where I teach, but instead I found three pastors and an evangelist gathered in his office, visiting from Abyei and Aweil, two areas bordering Sudan to the North, one area contested with Sudan. As we ate together, along with two of my students who are from this region, I listened to them recount stories of losing everything and starting over again, multiple times. I was at a loss for words, especially as I saw their joy and listened to stories of faith and faithfulness amid incredible loss, trial, and pain.

Rev. Myien Bol,
lead pastor in Abyei

Rev. Amiok Piol and Evangelist Kual Majak
serving one church and two preaching centers in Abyei 

Recently I spent a  Sunday afternoon with a sprightly elderly woman and members of her family who lost everything during the war and who experienced trauma. As I listened to this woman share her passion for reconciling broken communities because of her Christian faith, and how the example of missionary women inspired her to live a life of service and leadership, my friend David and I sat in awe and gratitude for the faithfulness of our dear mother in the faith and for those who have gone before her. So often I have felt unworthy to live and serve here in South Sudan, being surrounded by persons such as these, and by the living witness of those who came decades before. In living and serving in this land, I continually receive blessings and inspiration beyond measure. “Neshkur Rabuna!” We give thanks to the Lord.

*This blog post is a slightly adjusted Facebook post from Sunday, October 31st. 

1 comment:

Rob and Gloria K said...

The faith of you both and the people with whom you dialogue are inspiring. Thanks be to God.