Thursday, April 25, 2013

Forty (a birthday poem)

My parents came home, that Easter day

with signs “baby boy,” their yard to display.

Robert Brian his name, eyes blue be-

holding, a world all ‘round him, new, inviting.

A beautiful sky, a wondrous day

Birds a’ singing, “Lord, come what may!”


Come what may, oh Lord of life

These forty years, have seen their strife.

Disappointments, hurts, betrayal, depression

A common lot, for the human vocation.

Wealth have I known, want as well,

What can I tell you, but we are quite frail.


What message might these forty years speak,

What wisdom these days proclaim,

From one who lusted, riches and fame

But knows now, unadulterated vain.

Come close friend, whisper in your ear

Message of truth, the ages to hear.


There is One loving. There is One pure.

Forgiving faithful just, His future sure.

Forty years in the desert, Israel learned -

Dependence faith trust, in the One concerned.

Forty days in the desert, Jesus learned –

Hope faithfulness security, to Whom he yearned.


What message might these forty years speak,

What wisdom these days proclaim,

From one humbled under -

The umbrella of humanity’s dark stain.

One thing I might say, two things you might learn –

That God is loving, His light healing, all human pain.


A beautiful sky, a wondrous day

A new world coming, Jesus don’t delay!

Come close friend, whisper in your ear

Message of truth, God is here.

Jesus is alive, He feels your every pain –

Hear the birds singing, “Your life, His ‘ever gain!”


the sun above the horizon

by Bob Rice


Anonymous said...

Not bad for an economics major :-)

Jerry in Johnson City

ChrisM said...

Thank you for sharing your creativity and inner self!