Friday, August 22, 2008

Visit from Mom and Dad Rice

Bob's parents just came for a few days, and we were excited about getting to reconnect with them in person. We also got the chance to do some of the fun touristy things in LA that we don't get to do very often! Our first stop was Forest Lawn, which we recommend to everyone but is a little-known treasure in LA.

While they were here, Bob's parents helped us with one of the things parents do best...projects around the house. :) We've been wanting to hang pictures in our bedroom all year, but never had the right inspiration and motivation--Bob's parents helped us finally get that done. Now we really feel domesticated!

Our next stop was the Getty, an incredible and beautiful art museum. One of my favorite parts was their garden, which was in full bloom despite it being the end of summer! I really appreciate that you can balance the indoor art with the outside beauty of the garden and the architecture--helps to delay the museum fatigue.
The garden, with the hedge-maze behind the flowers
A beautiful and creative version of a dahlia

The entrance to the Getty--impressive, eh?
Getting to do things like this is one of the wonderful things about summer--and about visits from family. :) Now we look forward to seeing Bob's family again in a few weeks at Lake Tahoe!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Enjoying Summer

This summer has been a good change of pace for us. Bob says that his favorite thing about summer is baseball, and this year we have been able to go to several games...almost making a baseball fan out of Kristi! So, here a couple pictures from the ballpark...
Yes, we are high, but we have a great view!
And, we've been able to do some reconnecting with friends we don't see often, which is always fun! Kristi got to visit San Juan Capistrano with Lisa last week--Lisa's blog entry about the visit is amazing, but since you can't see that, I'll give you just a couple pictures of the beautiful scenery we saw:
tie-dyed lily pads!